Thursday, 3 March 2011


Well, if you think of the exact definition of the word then my life has been a big, bloody regret. All I have felt for the past twenty years is a sense of loss, sorrow, anguish, grief and sadness due to episodes out with my control. No one can help you when your heart aches. That’s something you have to deal with all on your own. Even the doctors, not matter how gifted and caring they are, can’t do anything about a broken heart.

Maybe someday they will come up with something like a pill or an antidote. They could call it something like ‘Swallow while you Wallow’ or ‘Consume when you’re Gloom’. You never know there might come a day when they can go right inside you and fix this oh so vital organ. The surgeons could then call themselves heart menders and make lots of money from lonely, lost and vulnerable people. The NHS could make a few bob from that. You should put that forward at your next meeting Tam.

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