Tuesday, 15 February 2011


Talking about caring, what kind of training do those despots on the reception desk get? Are they sent to Guantanamo Bay to brush up on their skills? If one of them had taken my order over the phone in the first place then I would not have had to suffer that entire trauma in the first place. I’m convinced that those tyrants all wanted to be doctors but did not have the caring gene. So instead they became dictators with the absolute power of prescription and appointment.

They sit there, with their phones and computers of mass domination, unrestricted by compassion or common sense and make the patients life a misery. It’s a wonder anyone ever gets to see the skill of a qualified, general practitioner. What skills do you think are important to be a good doctor? You’re a sort of doctor aren’t you Tam but you’re lot are more interested in statistics and box ticking aren’t you? Where exactly do you come in the hierarchy of doctor hood? I think personally that with all the cutbacks in the NHS that all the boundaries are being blurred. Nurses are doing the work of doctors and before you know it the doctors will e able to work on the reception desk!

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